Good SEO Resources for Marketers

I have done some research on SEO/Internet marketing resources. I came across a few of them used by many people, let me say, successful internet marketers. Hopefully, you’ll find them…

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Hiring Mistakes to Avoid

Recruiting and hiring a person to work at your small business can be a long process. First, you need to identify the need for a new employee. What follows are…

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6 Management Techniques You Won’t Learn in School

Professors can teach you a lot of relevant information for running your business but there are some things you just have to learn on the job. Listed below are some…

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Smart Entrepreneurs Take Breaks

It’s not unusual to hear people brag about not getting enough sleep or jokingly say “I’ll rest when I die,” then proceed to work themselves to illness or even death.…

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6 Most Effective Advertising Techniques

Ingenious advertising techniques are communication tools that a company uses to draw attention, engage minds, trigger emotion and change popular perceptions.You can make stronger advertisements if you deploy techniques that…

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